Medicine Cabinet Kit
Skip the over-the-counter meds and creams; this kit includes everything you need to make your own natural medicine cabinet!
Everything you need to make: DIY Chest Balm, DIY Sore Muscle Roll-On, DIY Decongesting Roll-On, DIY Immune Boosting Roll-On, DIY Rash & Burn Treatment Gel
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus Radiata (10 ml), Clove Bud (10 ml), Lavender Highland (10 ml), Thyme Linalol (5 ml), Roman Chamomile (3 ml)
Extras: All of your bottles, bases & recipes
$150.00 Value!
Everything you need, bundled together with a sweet little discount!
*If you'd prefer to switch any of the oils in this kit with an in-stock oil of equal value, just shoot us an email after you've placed your order.