Rosemary, Highland
Your hair's new best friend
Wild-Certified Organic Essential Oil, 10 ml
Botanical Name: rosmarinus officinalis
Origin: Spain
Part of Plant: flowering plant
Extraction: steam
Major Biochemical Compounds: 1,8-Cineol, alpha- & beta-Pinene, Camphene, Borneol, Borneone
Common Uses: This type of Rosemary is neuromuscular and particularly useful for muscle pain, cramps, nervous tension, sports injuries, tendonitis and rheumatism. It helps tone muscle and speed the healing of connective tissue. It also increases circulation and aids in the elimination of toxins. Rosemary highland is used to normalize low blood pressure and clear respiratory infections. Very effective for treating acne and blemishes (try a blemish spot treatment with Rosemary Highland and Green Clay)
Emotional/Psychological Uses: Rosemary is mentally strengthening. A good choice when recovering from illness or going through a period of stress or overwork. Rosemary has a long traditional use in connection with memory and mental concentration.
Cosmetic/Skin Uses: Promotes the flow of sebum in blocked pores and pimples. Wonderful for the hair and scalp. Used in a honey mask first thing in the morning, it will reduce puffy eyes, clear the sinuses and wake you up. (Can be drying to the skin, Rosemary Verbenone is a better oil for skincare.)
Blends Well With: Lemon, Lavender, Bergamot, Rose Geranium, Thyme Linalol, Eucalyptus, Cypress, Juniper. *For uplifting bath or morning shower, try Rosemary, Lavender and Bergamot. For a muscle relaxing bath, try Rosemary, Lavender and Juniper.
Inside Info: Brush a few drops of Rosemary Highland into your scalp and hair to clear blocked hair follicles, strengthen your hair, prevent hair loss and give your hair a healthy shine.
Best Ways to Use (see 'Methods of Use'): Bath, spot treatment, compress, steam inhalant, yoga mat spray and massage