Black Spruce
Wild-Certified Organic Essential Oil, 10 ml
Immune Stimulating, Energizing, Canadian
Botanical Name: picea mariana
Origin: Canada
Part of Plant: needles
Extraction: steam
Major Biochemical Compounds: Bornyl acetate, Camphene, alpha-Pinene, delta-3-Carene, Myrcene
Common Uses: Helps restore adrenal function. Respiratory tonic, inhale for bronchial problems. Our Woods Blend is also a great option for a conifer oil!
Emotional/Psychological Uses: Gives strength, certainty and ease. Used for exhaustion, recovery from illness, loss of direction and stress.
Cosmetic/Skin Uses: A beautiful addition to personal scent blends, great in perfume, aftershave, body oils and deodorants.
Blends Well With: Neroli, Lemon Petigraine, Rose Geranium, Orange, Pine, Fir, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Peppermint, Vetiver, Rosemary, Eucalyptus.
Best Ways to Use: Bath, Steam Inhalant, Diffusion, Compress, Environmental Fragrance, After Shave, Massage.